What do we mean Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Content?
Digging into our plans for Coffee with Jesus
As part of our start-up series of posts here on Coffee with Jesus, we wanted to start out by laying some groundwork on what to expect from us.
I share a bit about it on our About Page, but I thought it might be a good time to share it more in-depth with a post to set a foundation.
This will be a shorter one, so let’s dive right in…
Daily Content
The plan for our daily content will be with Substack notes, Instagram, and X posts. These will be Bible verses, quotes, or excerpts from books where we encourage you to invite Jesus into your reading, prayer, and meditation time.
It might look something like this:
We present some scripture and, in this case, ask Jesus to come into whatever situation you might be facing. Then, write down your experience and what he says or does for you in these momentary times.
Weekly Content
The weekly content will be here on Substack and sent to your inbox. It will be an expanded post where we will focus on scripture, discuss the context and how it might impact our lives, and then have a three-step activation time: Pray, Listen, and Do.
These are the kinds of posts that I have been doing over on Medium with Transformed Faith:
These three to four-minute reads will help you go deeper with God, experience Jesus, and activate your power in the Holy Spirit.
Monthly Content
Growing up, a Sunday School teacher sent us Bible verses to pray and meditate on every month. She was the sweetest of ladies, and when she got older, and her mind was failing, she could recite entire books of the Bible.
This inspired me to pray and meditate on scripture daily, and under the paid portion of this publication here on Substack, we will send out a monthly prayer and mediation guide that will be topical month to month.
I started this over on Transformed Faith as well. However, I will make it exclusive to Coffee with Jesus. This is what the first one looked like:
These will be lists for you to review for each day. After the month, I will turn it into a short, downloadable, and printable book to share with others that I will put up on a Payhip store.
The Coffee with Jesus Content Plan
So, this is the basic breakdown of our content plan. Yes, it revolves around the scriptures quite a bit. No, it is not intended to be an intellectual pursuit. It is intended to connect the scriptures with experiencing Jesus.
I hope to help more believers experience Jesus and open up their faith experience to something far more vibrant than sitting in pews and talking at God in prayer. I hope a relationship with God will take you to new levels of your faith.
I’d love to hear what you think! What would you like to experience Jesus in with your life?